الثلاثاء، 24 مارس 2015

To get white teeth

White teeth whiter shiny concerned wonderful smile stunning concerned with attractive and friendly personality to get these teeth spotless and those attractive smile comes great importance to whiten your teeth, especially from necessitate their circumstances to deal with the other two permanent and daily such as salespeople Madrien software providers etc ... for teeth whitening methods exist many of them what needs to be a specialist, such...

الاثنين، 16 مارس 2015

How do we clean the teeth properly?

If you want to use a toothpick sure to renovated and cleanliness are also careful not to carving teeth and gums hurt him The first step Before you start to clean your teeth Use dental floss to clean between your teeth and get rid of lime The second step Use the appropriate amount of toothpaste which is close to the size of a grain of peas, avoid the use of a large amount of putty because it leads to full mouth foam putty quickly and thus...

الثلاثاء، 10 مارس 2015

Electronic toothbrush with 5 programs for cleaning

Located in a loss of your order is always at your choice of brush teeth, there may be a brush, for example, a private brush sensitive gum, and other brush to clean the narrow areas difficult to access, and other brush to remove tartar from the teeth, but you do not find the pool all those features brush. You may today through Filbys brush with electronic impulses Philips Sonicare FlexCare that combines all these features in a single brush. The...

Strengthen teeth start by following these tips

Strong teeth that constitutes the difference between healthy teeth and between the teeth rotting and full of holes. Tooth enamel is a transparent material such as crust that protects teeth from changes in temperature and daily activities such as eating, gnawing and gnashing of teeth. When exposed to harmful substances, the tooth enamel has eroded, crack or crack, making teeth more susceptible to damage. To avoid these diseases and in order...

How can we choose the toothpaste?

Every time when verging toothpaste on the force, we stand before a dilemma: any toothpaste should we buy? It seems that between each visit, and another to rack toothpaste at the supermarket, the toothpaste stock simply multiplies itself - because the possibilities are a great choice. We say to ourselves that we will buy the same toothpaste or that of the reduction in the same day, but when you stand in front of that selection of options we...

Treatment of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is produced by the decomposition of the sugar content in all the foods we eat, where this decomposition is in the mouth component acids work to external corrosion layer consisting of teeth, called the fingertips where this results in the decomposition be licorice, which begins Bafattk teeth The foods that contain carbohydrates her difference and also sugary foods that contain sugar installed and dried fruits are also all these...

الخميس، 5 مارس 2015

5 steps to protect the health of the mouth and teeth

Should be brushing twice a day is not debatable at home, especially with the increase in children's dental caries infection rates, in a country like the United States, the proportion of children with up caries between the ages of two and five years to 25%, as indicated Prevention Centre of Disease in America he said, adding that dental disease in children is one of the first reasons to visit emergency rooms in hospitals each year. As for the...